The baby's weight at birth is more related to the weight of the mother before pregnancy as pounds taken
during pregnancy, according to preliminary results of a study presented Tuesday Taking pounds is usually monitored during pregnancy to avoid having a baby too big and difficult childbirth.
weight during pregnancy has finally relatively little influence on the body of the baby at birth," says Marie-Aline Charles, director of research Inserm which coordinates the study EDEN.
"It was only from 15 kg (maternal weight gain) they begin to see an impact and more than 19 kg that has a clear influence on the weight of the baby," says she.
In fact, surprise, according to the researcher, is the importance of weight (body mass index) of the mother before conception. Thus, an obese woman before
getting pregnant, might give birth to a baby too big (more than 4 kg term) and having a difficult childbirth.
In addition, during pregnancy, obese women take on average far fewer pounds than women scarce, according to the study.
The women were overweight or obese have an increased risk of diabetes and hypertension during pregnancy. This diabetes, usually transitory, may reappear, in your 50-60 years. As big baby, in case of gestational diabetes in the mother, he incur a risk of diabetes in adulthood.
In less than ten years, the weight of mothers has increased significantly in 1993, 14% of mothers weighed at least 70 kg in 2003, they were 21%.
Among women of high body mass, there is also an increased rate of hospitalization during pregnancy and caesarean section before or during labor (x 2). Newborns of obese mothers are more frequent and neonatal resuscitation.
EDEN The study involving about 2,000 mothers will follow about 1,500 children up to age 5. The record is for 2008-2011, according to officials who seek additional funding.
Driving with two medical teams maternity Poitiers and Nancy, the study examines many factors (nutrition, environment and psycho-social emotional, toxic ...) can play a role in the development and future health of the child .
Meanwhile, the small weight (particularly encouraged by maternal smoking) is associated with an increased risk in adulthood of hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease.