Monday, May 19, 2008

Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

If pregnancy is a great happiness, it is sometimes accompanied by small concerns. And the legs are paying the price! Pressures strongest on the lower body, disrupted hormone secretion, weakened veins… All these factors increase the risk of varicose veins. It is vital to prevent as possible appearance.

We are not equal faced with the appearance of varicose veins. The disorder is indeed far more prevalent among women than among men.

A perilous period for veins

The risk is even more important in pregnant women. Pregnancy is a real disruption to the body and hormonal secretion totally disrupted. The amount of sex hormones secreted by the body is much higher during this period. The estrogen promote the emergence of oedema and progesterone tends to dilate the veins significantly.

These disorders continue generally until the child's birth and they explain the appearance of venous disease. The risk factor increases with the number of pregnancies completed: it is 23% at the 1 st pregnancy by 27% at 2 and 3 pregnancy, and 31% at the 4 th pregnancy.

Excess weight in pregnant women is also a factor likely to cause edema, cumbersome, and therefore varicose vein. The compression of veins from the small basin by the growing uterus also explains the occurrence of this type of pathology.

the various ways to reduce risks

Pregnancy is a particularly dangerous period for the veins and your doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment: bottom of contention, veinotoniques drugs, creams …

Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and prefer the fuller trousers and do not wear socks. you must leave space for your legs! The stagnation of blood promotes blood flow down can go through small veins and thus provoke their expansion.

The drugs available today are very effective and the use of veinotoniques is particularly important and it is important to follow his treatment during pregnancy (and even after by the way!). These drugs exert a local anti-inflammatory, stimulate venous tone and protect the endothelial cells lining the inside of veins. The veinotoniques relieve symptoms.

Finally, it is important to avoid contact with the heat. Indeed, the legs of pregnant women tend to "blow" under the influence of heat and weight increased. It is also recommended to make some care lymphatic drainage and algae wraps so as to energize, reduce and relieve the legs.

The venous disease can be a real pain, exacerbated during pregnancy. These few simple and specific processes can quickly relieve pain. That is why it is essential to continue to treat the disease with all possible means. And these nine months pass calmly.


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