Saturday, June 28, 2008

Contractions And Bloating

You are expecting a baby since only a few weeks, you're on your puff… except that from time to time, you feel a kind of tension in the belly, or, more rarely, a dull ache, quite bearable, a little reminiscent of those of your menstrual period. They are contractions. To have the heart net, it's easy: put your two hands on each side of the navel and press gently, hands well flat, as if you wanted to test the flexibility of a mattress. If your stomach is hard everywhere, it is a contraction. 

During the first quarter, the future placenta secretes large amounts of estrogen, hormones that promote contractions of the uterus. From the fourth month, however, the rate of progesterone - whose mission is to relax the uterine muscle - increases and overrides that of estrogen. That is why expectant mothers generally have fewer contractions in the second as the first quarter.

In practice, every woman is unique, and some mothers may feel more in the second quarter that the first three months… So should they worry? If contractions are infrequent, less than ten a day, and painless, there is no need to consult your doctor. Some mothers lie without precaution or fall sharply, with the stroke of a kidney, strongly requesting their abdominal and uterine… responds by contracting. This is the normal reaction of a muscle! ".

Friday, June 27, 2008

Rib Pain During Pregnancy

I got a message from a reader named Tania and she's asking a question about pain during pregnancy. Please feel free to add your comment for helpful information.



I want to know if you can give me some information because I should give birth on August 18 and I have great difficulty in my pond on the left side. I am pregnant with my second baby and for the first, I did not have this problem. 



Hello Tania, 

Remember, first, that each pregnancy is unique and each baby as well. It is normal that you feel different symptoms during your successive pregnancies. Perhaps your second baby is positioned in such way, so that it makes you feel uncomfortable! However, if this feeling is getting worse, do not hesitate to talk to your gynaecologist.. 


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 13 Of Pregnancy: 15 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

This week marks the end of the third month. You will be increasingly cramped in your current clothing, think therefore you obtain the most suitable for your condition.
The nausea and heartburn fade.
Your uterus is still swollen; it measures about 7 cm and is the size of a large grapefruit.

Your baby
Your baby continues to grow. It measures about 12 cm and weighs between 50 g and 65 g.
His head measuring 3.5 cm and it can now move.
It moves a lot and can open his hands.
He started drinking amniotic fluid because it can open his mouth; he begins his introduction to taste. The pigmentation of his skin starts to develop.

Good to Know
Think of your skin and keep it well hydrated.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 12 Of Pregnancy: 14 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

Your chest has increased and your breasts are fragile. Be sure to wear a bra adapted and avoid hot baths.
You will have less nausea and will be less tired.
A small dark line may appear on the belly of the navel to the pubic. It will disappear after birth.

Your baby
It measures about 10 cm and weighs about 45 g.
His eyes and ears take their final position. His nails and her hair began to grow.
His nervous system works and muscles respond to the brain. It may now move its members.
The bone marrow and the liver begins to produce blood cells.
The placenta begins to function and the umbilical cord to circulate blood.
If it is a boy, his penis is formed.

Good to Know
Think also enroll in a maternity ward and a nursery.
Continue to adhere to a healthy and balanced diet and eat foods rich in iron so as not to be anaemic.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Week 11 Of Pregnancy: 13 Weeks Of Amenorrhea


Your stomach starts to round up. Your uterus continues to grow, he now has the size of a grapefruit, you can feel a pressing in your belly.

Your heart rate is accelerated; six to eight beats per minute.

At this stage there is virtually no risk of miscarriage.

Your baby

It was now 8 cm and weighs about 30 g.

The first bones appear (the bones of the pelvis and ribs) and spine develops.

The head is still big, it represents one third of the body. The nose emerges in the middle of the face and chin and nostrils open.

The vital organs are formed and most of them work.

Good to Know

Practice of non-violent sports activities (walking, swimming, gymnastics gentle yoga…).

Watching your diet and your weight gain during pregnancy is vital, a balanced diet will help the healthy development of your baby because it draws in your blood essential elements to its growth (vitamins, minerals…)

Remember to prevent your employer.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Vitamins, Minerals… To Take or Not During My Pregnancy ?

Nutrient supplementation, is it really useful when expecting a baby? What about food supplements and fortified foods?

A varied and balanced diet

Since the mother has a varied and balanced diet, it will draw all the nutrients she needs for her and for the proper development of her child. Nature is very well done, pregnancy is indeed profound metabolic changes that lead to greater absorption by the body of these nutrients. Nevertheless, some can be prescribed by your doctor, but for supplements and fortified foods, you do not need.

At the doctor, drug supplements

Four nutrients - vitamins B9 and D, iron, iodine - can be prescribed. No other supplementation (vitamin A, fluorine, polyvitamins, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, copper and selenium…) is justified.

Vitamin B9

What is it?
Also called folic acid, it plays a crucial role in the growth and multiplication of cells. A deficiency in vitamin B9 prevents cells from dividing properly, posing a risk of malformation - including that of neural tube, which is the outline of the nervous system of the embryo. The neural tube fails to close properly (this closure takes place between the 22nd and 28th day after conception), which can cause serious neurological damage for the baby.

For whom?
For all women during pregnancy, a month before the start of pregnancy and for two months after conception. Despite the recommendation, few doctors prescribe their patients vitamin B9… If your gynecologist does not ask you, ask yourself the question. And think about it when you have the chance to make a healthy baby!

Vitamin D

What is it?
She participates in the construction of the skeleton of the baby and the healthy bones of her mother because it promotes the establishment of calcium. It reduces the risk of Hypocalcaemia for newborn.

For whom?
For all pregnant women, a supplementation of vitamin D is recommended at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy (single dose).

The iron

What is it?
It comes in the composition of hemoglobin. A deficiency may cause the mother anemia. This translates into a great fatigue, which can lead to a slight increase in weight of the fetus and a premature birth.

For whom?
Only for expectant mothers. Anemia must be identified very early, to avoid any complication during your pregnancy.


What is it?
It is essential for brain development of fetuses and ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland of the mother.

For whom?
Only for women living in areas at risk of deficiency.

As i always say: Keep things simple and natural, nature is very well done.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Week 10 Of Pregnancy: 12 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

Your nausea must begin to diminish and your frequent urination will cease. Indeed, your uterus is growing back into the abdominal cavity and frees your bladder which is now more compressed.
You can feel some pain caused by tension and stretch ligaments of the uterus.
If you have lost your appetite it will be back now, but be careful not to eat any way and watch your weight.

Your baby
It measures 6 cm and weighs about 18 g. It starts moving his head and arms but you still do not feel its movements.
His brain has grown and its nerve cells multiply very quickly.
The head is still very big compared to the rest of the body, but his face takes on a human form. The inner ear is continuing its development and external party begins to emerge.
The buds of permanent teeth emerge and bulbs hairs are starting to take shape.
The vital organs continue their development (lungs, kidneys). The liver is rather impressive; it represents 10% of total body weight and manufactures blood cells.

Good to Know
This week you'll spend your first ultrasound, when loaded with emotion because this is the first time you see your baby. It would confirm the smooth running of your pregnancy and monitor your baby's development.
If you are not immune against toxoplasmosis, a blood test is required monthly to check serology.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week 9 Of Pregnancy: 11 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

Your heart rate increases and you are going to have breathing with difficulty very quickly.
Your body change and your uterus keep growing; it now has the size of an orange, here you must think about getting pregnancy clothes.
Your kidneys will work to your advantage to eliminate waste but also those of your baby. It is therefore advisable to drink plenty of water, which will also avoid urinary tract infections.

Your baby
It was during this week that your baby is no longer an embryo but a fetus. Its size is 5.5 cm and weighs about 9 g.
His head is recovering gradually and starts to round up, but it is still very large. Eyelids completely cover their eyes. The lips are emerging and her face is identifiable.
His arms and legs continue to grow and hands and feet grow this week.
The genital tracts are differentiated (ovaries or testes), if it is a boy, his testicles are beginning to produce testosterone.
The heart beats between 110 and 160 beats per minute at its own pace.

Good to Know
Make an appointment for your first ultrasound to be held the tenth week of pregnancy to ensure its smooth running.
Improve your circulation daily by walking and breathing calmly.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The First Three Symptoms of Pregnancy

The hormonal disruption caused by pregnancy can cause some early symptoms which one the most common of them is a missed period.

1st Symptom: Late period
The cessation of period is the first sign the most obvious. However, many women have irregular periods due to hormonal problems, making the sign a little less reliable. A delayed period will therefore not necessarily indicate a sign of pregnancy. Also, you can get pregnant after having several rounds without rules.

The period generally occur 15 days after ovulation when an egg is not fertilized. However, it can happen to a woman to have a cycle without ovulation. If your menstrual cycle is regular, the absence of period can be a sign of pregnancy.

2nd Symptoms: Larger and more sensitive breast

This is one of the first metamorphoses of pregnancy, your breasts are suddenly tougher and more voluminous. They are also inflated that two or three days before your period but also more painful, especially on the sides. Take a shower or sleep on their stomachs can become a true ordeal. The nipples take a darker color. Sometimes small protrusions called Montgomery's Tubercules can appear.

From the beginning of your pregnancy your breast is preparing to feed your child and to produce milk. Remember to change your size bras, the breasts have no muscles to support them when they become too heavy.

3rd symptoms: nausea and vomiting

Again, this is not an exclusive signs of pregnancy. Indeed, these symptoms usually occur only after a few weeks of pregnancy and can strike at any time, usually around two months. They are often accompanied with morning sickness.

Two scenarios arise, or you swallow everything that you fall under the hand, or you'll be sick having to eat certain foods.
Pregnancy can cause discomfort, comparable to seasickness, what to eat is still the best remedies. The challenge will be to choose your food. You may be surprised to see your favorite foods turn into food torture. It is also recommended to eat balanced.

Even if these symptoms are very revealing, they can not alone confirm a pregnancy. A pregnancy test and above all a confirmation of your gynecologist will give you a confirmation.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 8 Of Pregnancy: 10 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

Discomfort related to pregnancy are starting to diminish (bloating, heartburn, constipation ...).
Your uterus grows and uterine fibers become longer and elastic. Col softens and becomes more flexible in anticipation of delivery.
You can also feel pain and cramps because your uterus compresses your organs during his development.

Your baby
All his organs are practically formed at this point it measures 3 cm and weighs about 3 g. He almost looks human and his brain develops very slowly. Her little heart beats, it can be heard through the Doppler, the left and right side are now quite distinct.
The head stands up and takes a rounded shape. The hands and feet have their final form, fingers and toes continue their development .The vital organs are now well in place, namely the heart, brain, lungs, liver and intestines, but they are still very fragile.
The face, palate and jaw are formed and the genitals are growing but are not yet differentiated.

Good to Know
Remember to make your first ultrasound to check if your baby is normal.
To prevent stretch, hydrate your body and watch your weight. Moisturize also you skin and avoid exposure to the sun .

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week 7 Of Pregnancy: 9 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

You will always have nausea and minor discomfort but they will eventually disappear.
You'll also be very tired.
Your kidneys are working hard, think therefore to drink plenty of water (1.5 liters per day) to eliminate, it will also reduce your nausea.

Your baby
Your baby starts to move, you do not yet feel but can see its movements during the ultrasound. It measures about 20 mm and weighs 2 grams, he grew very rapidly and its size has almost doubled compared to last week.
His head is now separated from the body by the neck, despite the fact that it is still larger than the body.
The arms and legs get longer, his face becomes clear, eyelids, eyes closer, dental buds appear and the optic nerve is working. The fingers and toes begin to form and elbows also. The canal urogenital being put in place, lungs and other organs continue to grow.

Good to Know
Be careful with your weight gain during pregnancy , don’t do a diet plan without the advice of your doctor if you notice a weight gain too great.
Have a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

Make an appointment with your gynecologist for your first prenatal visit mandatory.
It is also the time to declare your pregnancy to various agencies such as Social Security by sending them the form that you have given your doctor.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 6 of Pregnancy: 8 Weeks Of Amenorrhea

This week physical discomforts are more and more frequent under the influence of hormones that have reached their maximum rate. You can therefore be subject to small discomforts (especially in late morning), constipation, excessive salivation, poor blood circulation (walk at least 30 minutes per day).

The areola of your breasts enlarge, and the venous system is more apparent. Your uterus grows and you'll often want to urinate because it relies on your bladder. Above all, avoid overwork because the risks of miscarriage are still present. It usually manifests itself by blood loss and pain in your lower back.

Your baby
You can not even feel it but at this stage your baby moves already. The majority of its organs are made; it is approximately 10 to 14 mm and his weighs is 1.7 g.The head of the embryo is huge and represents nearly half the volume of his body.Her face begins to take shape, his tongue, nostrils and mouth is apparent. His eyes and ears internal develop. The vertebras that form the spine are undergoing formation and his fingers are starting to take shape.

Good to Know
Avoid intense physical exertion because at this stage the embryo is not yet hooked to the uterine wall. Practice therefore sweet sports such as swimming, walking, yoga…

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week 5 Of Pregnancy: 7 Weeks Of Amenorrhea


Your breasts are hard and continue to grow. Small symptoms of pregnancy are present, namely nausea, tiredness …
You are hypersensitive, anxious and go suddenly from laughter to tears.
Your digestive system works more slowly with the consequences of bloating, heartburn and a bad digestion accompanied by constipation.

Be patient all these small problems will disappear within the next few weeks, they attest to the smooth running of your pregnancy.

Your baby
It continues to grow and is about 6 mm. Its members are beginning to grow, arms and legs get longer. The eyes and ears form, we also saw small holes in the nostrils, lips and tongue.

His heart has doubled in volume and starts to beat regularly but two times faster than an adult. The sides of the brain begin to develop.

At this stage of development your baby is very vulnerable because the formation of its principal organs (stomach, pancreas, kidneys, lungs and liver) is nearing completion. Be vigilant and do nothing that might affect your baby.

Good to Know
Eat (vegetables, fruit, bread), drink plenty of water and walk to help digestion.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Menstrual Cycle

The period of fertility is quite long for a woman: with puberty, which begins on average at 13 years and menopause, which occurs around 51 years, it still represents 38 years and nearly 500 rounds of 28 days!

Starting the first day of your period and ending the first day of the next menstrual period, a cycle lasts an average of 28 days, but there are wide variations from one woman to another and for the same woman.

Regular cycles have a dependence of the good functioning ovarian, itself controlled by two small glands of the brain (the hypothalamus and pituitary), it takes little to disrupt the mechanism precision: most of the conditions endocrine, being anorexic, or obese and to a lesser extent, stress can affect the smooth running of the menstrual cycle. This explains why it happens to all women or almost, to have shorter cycles and other longer during their lives. At the time of puberty and before menopause, this irregularity is almost inevitable.

4th Week Of Pregnancy

The volume of the uterus has increased. From the size of a fig before conception, to the size of a mandarin. It presses the bladder that causes frequent urination. For most women, nausea (especially in the morning on an empty stomach) and irrepressible desire to sleep during the day (especially after lunch) ... for several weeks.

Your baby
This is the beginning of organogenesis, the establishment of organs. The disc embryonic wraps itself on itself to become a cylinder. The embryo looks like a small bean and measure 5 mm in the 28th day. His weight has increased by 10 000 (it weighs less than a gram!) Since Day 1. It fleet in the middle of the amniotic cavity, connected by the umbilical cord.

Good to Know
Do not panic if small bleeding occur. They may be due to erosion of blood vessels of the uterine lining. Call your doctor if they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. They may be a sign of a miscarriage.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3rd Week Of Pregnancy

You have a missed period. Your breasts are stretched and inflated, you have maybe some nausea, you are a little tired ... The estrogen and progesterone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary and chorionic and the gonadotropin hormone produced by the trophoblast (future placenta), are responsible for all the little discomfort. Their role is to prevent the embryo to be expelled from the uterine lining.

Your baby
The cell divisions are accelerating, the size of the embryonic disc (no longer called the "egg") is 1.5 mm and it double in size each day. On its upper side, a bulge is created which will give birth to the future nervous system. A draft heart, in the form of two tubes appears.

Good to Know
Private or public? Midwife or obstetrician? It's time to ask the right questions about motherhood where you want to give birth.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2nd Week Of Pregnancy

By the end of this week, three days before the date of your period or the same day, you can make your home pregnancy test (sold in pharmacy). But its reliability is not complete, it is only a first indication and your doctor will ask you to confirm pregnancy by a blood test.

Your baby
The embryonic disc becomes oval and there cells, numbering 150, are divided into three layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm), to be the source of all tissues (skin, muscles ... ) that constituent the body organ. On the 10th day, the egg is fully installed in the uterine lining (to penetrate the egg it made a hole but it is already closed). It measures 0.2 mm.

Good to Know
Attention, some pregnancy tests can give false hopes. In principle, from ten days' delay of your period, they are reliable in case of positive results.

I know there is scientific term that may appear difficult to understand here, but you can check Wikipedia for more information.

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